"A runner must run with dreams in his heart" Emil Zatopek

"A runner must run with dreams in his heart" Emil Zatopek
"A runner must run with dreams in his heart" Emil Zatopek

segunda-feira, 13 de novembro de 2017

Mês do meu aniversário, mês de corrida!

Novembro é um mês diferente pra mim, um mês para recomeçar, afinal foi o mês em que minha vida começou. Agora estou iniciando os trabalhos com meu clube de corrida, se você quer os melhores resultados sob minha orientação, entre em contato.

As camisetas mais cobiçadas do momento!

Corra comigo, corra melhor!

quinta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2017

Great news

I got great news, my scientific article was approved at the end of the Brazilian contest  entitled: "THE UNEXPLORED CREATIVE THINKING ABOUT MIDDLE-DISTANCE AND LONG-DISTANCE PACING STRATEGIES: THE TEACHER'S CHALLENGE TO ENCOURAGE TO TRY ANOTHER FORMATS OF RUNNING STRATEGIES" I approach the importance of the physical education teachers to provide experiences that foster creative thinking in athletics pacing strategies.

Abstract: This article brings to the light the evident shortage of academic sources that approach the creativity in the teaching of long-distance and middle-distance races; the majority of the researches approaching the strategy of race as subject, regard the perspective of high performance and performance analysis, facts that reveal the realistic picture corresponding to and which extends to the exercise of pedagogical relations within sport. This is a provocative work that intends to induce the critical reflection upon the reproduction of race strategies of renowned athletes; Therefore some of the possible concepts of race tests that strategically encourage creative thinking to solve problems that go beyond institutionalized high performance sports were introduced.

Another good news is that my second book is available for publishing, next week will be available to you on Amazon's website; As well as the opening of the 5 vacancies for my running club. If you want to be one of them, contact me, please.

Another news, today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me!

Quem sou eu?

Sou Alan Ricardo, licenciado em educação física pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, especialista em Gestão Escolar pelo Instituto Federal do...